Man Kung paper target face FITA 3x20 cm Las Vegas

€ 1,90 (including VAT 21%)
In stock

The Man Kung Target Face FITA 3x20 cm Las Vegas is designed for high-precision archery practice and tournaments. Made from reinforced paper for extended durability, this target face features three individual 20 cm spots with scoring zones from 6 to 10 and an inner 10/X-ring. Perfect for FITA indoor rounds, it is also approved for use in Vegas and NFAA tournaments. With a 40 cm face and clearly defined scoring rings, this target provides optimal performance for competitive archers aiming to enhance their skills and accuracy. 
For a better shooting expirince we suggest to stick the Target Face onto the Eleven Start target set or for more powerfull shooting practices onto the Delta McKenzie ShotBlocker Travel Pro.

  • Blue: 6 points
  • Red: 7 and 8 points
  • Yellow: 9 and 10 points
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